This chicken roll… I mean, Figma Drossel is considered as a fenomebal Figma during the release year.
When one of member start doing photohunting with his Figma Drossel, everyone (including me) start to gain interest with this Figma.
So, I decided to purchase this after waiting for so long because I don’t want to buy the one that being scalped.

This one above, I remember was taken during the dispute between McDonald with our local Franchise holder.
McD decided to breach a contract, so the local McD then rebranded as TonyJack. While the brand is changed, but we all know if this is still a McD.
Few months later, it seems the dispute are settled. TonyJack dissapear, and McD is back.

And this one above, was taken during my stay at the hospital. My late father was hospitalized due to his Diabetes.
As you can see, Drossel if very balanced, she can standing by herself without using any display stand.

This one was taken during rainy day.
I put my camera into a plastic bag, and then take the picture. It was a fun activity.

And this one is my favorite 😀
I miss this experience.
First My deep condolences about your father 🙁 Didn’t expect the oldest indonesian blogger i know still around, I am willing to bet this your 4th or 5th blog by now
Drossel, Bring back old memories, That’s Right back then Drossel conquer the japanese figure world only to be beaten by Danbo I guess. i also consider myself as one such victim of the hype, so she also become my first figma purchase lol still on top of my detolf haven’t touched it since 10 years ago or so…
ahaha tony jack’s a huge fuss back then in indonesia franchise world only to be fail and ridden in debt
The journey of this blog is really like a sine wave, up and down.
Start from data loss in the server (including the back up) that makes me really traumatized in writing. To the problem where I have no money to maintain the paid hosting, and decided to park the domain. And then decided to resurrect the website, but now I’m getting busy with a time consuming work, and forgot to update the blog 😀
To make it worst, I was hospitalized during covid, house got raided, they took everything (including my Nendoroid and Figma)… Now I tried to purchase Miku 2.0, but it the market price is too damn high 😀
If we’re talking about Drossel, it remind me of DannyChoo and Figure fm. Figma Drossel was quite famous and I got this figma from Otacute back then 😀
I can relate the pain losing all your hard works for years just gone in a flash… and unlike most who gave up, you don’t actually gave up and abandon the site..
I am lucky not contacting covid (even if i did, I don’t have any symptoms or sickness) but Covid Hurt Me economically so bad …. and my brother also lost his business ….
Otacute no longer around, But I do remember buy few stuff there, and weird bonuses the gave i can recall some card with revoltech pictures(aparantely promotional shit they distribute during wonfes and the sort) and a busou shinki mousepad for some reason